November 9, 2011

New address

Please visit my new address:

September 3, 2011

The stranger

One afternoon we noticed a woman sleeping in our hammock. She didn't move for a long time.  After about an hour we saw her get up and walk away, beer bottle in hand. It was bizarre. 

August 31, 2011

The harbor

June 17, 2011

Blarney Castle

The next site we visited was Blarney Castle in Cork. Legend says that kissing the Blarney Stone gives you  'the gift of the gab.' I'm not convinced though because I kissed the stone and am as quiet as ever. The tradition is over 200 years old.  In order to kiss the stone, you have to lean backwards (over an opening) and hold on to a railing. A little scary for those afraid of heights, but worth it. 

May 31, 2011

Ireland: day one

I spent a semester in Ireland in 2008 and decided to blog about it now. Click here to read the first post.
After a week spent on campus in Indiana, our group had begun to feel like family. The day we arrived in Ireland is somewhat of a blur. As we landed at the Shannon airport, we couldn't believe we were finally there. As cheesy as it sounds, the minute I walked out of the airport I felt, in a way, like I was home. Then we got on our tour bus and went to McDonalds. Then we really felt at home ;) 
We were supposed to stay awake all day to lessen jet lag. Our first stop was Muckross House in Killarney.
Muckross House was finished in 1843. The original owners spent about 6 years preparing for Queen Victoria's visit. They spent tons of money into it, hoping to impress her. The Queen only stayed for two nights. The owners had financial problems after her visit and eventually had to give the house up. 
Click here to learn more about Muckross House.
We headed back into town and had dinner at our hotel. I don't remember much else about that day. Just pure excitement, sleepiness, and my first time experiencing Irish rain.   

April 26, 2011

April: Part 2

So April continues...
  We made fake ice cream in my commercial photography class. It looks really good and edible, but the stuff that was drizzled on top has glue in it!
 The set-up in the studio. 
 I finally found time to try out my Christmas present!
The first attempt at lazing outside this year! We had classes earlier so by the time we got outside, the sun was already setting and it was a bit windy and chilly. I hope the sun comes back sometime soon!

April: Part 1

The past few months have been a blur of classes, homework, and friends. I've hardly touched my camera this semester except for my photography class. Now that I have a better phone, I can take a photos without having to delete another one first! This is a photo summary of my month.
 Hanging out with some wonderful friends. Rachelle...
 ...and Katie.
Rachelle's cute manatee. 
Having fun during our openhouse.